Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The countdown is on

In just over 24 hours, Maddie and I will be packing up the car, picking up Auntie Liz and heading off to the airport. I'm trying to pack us both into one suitcase (well, not us literally, but our stuff). It's proving difficult. I know that I'm a bit of a clotheshorse. And we all know Maddie is TOTALLY a clotheshorse ... but to be fair, it's a bit difficult when the place you are going could be very cool, or very warm ... depending on wether the sun is shining that day or not.

I feel bad for Louise's mom. She's picking us up from the airport, and I expect she won't love to see the amount of baggage that we will be carrying. I'm sure she'll be wishing they let us take the train down to the city...

Wish us luck - I will try to post tomorrow - lots going on though, and it really depends on my success at packing today, just how much free time I'll have tomorrow.


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