Monday, May 26, 2008

It definitely IS getting better

This weekend was one of my favourite kinds. Spending lots of time around the house, getting things accomplished, working (and playing) outside - pretty much up there with my definition of a perfect weekend. Although I did have a bit of an epiphany this weekend - I realized that while getting lots of tasks checked off the 'to do' list is a relaxing weekend for me (I always feel more relaxed and energized if I'm plugging away at getting something done - sounds counter-intuitive, but it's the way I am); however Seth's idea of a relaxing weekend is spending it actually 'relaxing'. Luckily I was good at the sweet talking and he was enjoying just being home that I was able to cajole him into working through the weekend. And it also didn't hurt that his 'job' most of the time was to hang out/play with Maddie, which gave me free time (and hands) to get the things done that I wanted to do.

Aside from finally getting our front and back lawns in order (all weeded, fed, cut, watered and gardened), we also managed to watch 2 (!!!) movies this weekend. It was like we were living a close semblance to our old life. Maddie's sleep is getting back to normal (meaning only up 1-2 times a night, not 4-5), so after getting her down on Friday and Saturday nights we enjoyed watching an uninterrupted movie. Bliss.

It's funny what you envision your life to be like once you have children. We've had this discussion a few times, and a while ago Seth nailed it when he defined it as, "I thought it would be pretty much like this, but less hectic, less stressful, and with more time to just enjoy stuff." So as we sat in our backyard on Saturday afternoon, leisurely enjoying the weather and eating BBQ'd hot dogs while Maddie napped for another 2 hours, I turned to him and said, "So THIS is what you thought it would be like." He was like, "Yup... well, it's definitely getting better."

It SO is getting better. I think this is going to be a fun summer...


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