Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy 3 year anniversary to us!

Yesterday was mine and Seth's 3 year anniversary. Oh how times have changed. Instead of a weekend away or yummy, extravagant meal at some downtown restaurant, we celebrated it at Shoeless Joes.

Let me say that again.

Shoeless Joes.

In fairness, we both had steak. I had a glass of wine. The meal was okay. The atmosphere - with a 10-month old banging her 'sippy cup' on the table overandoverandoverandoveragain - not romantic.

But I wouldn't have changed it for the world.


PS - to give Seth full props - he did come home with a beautiful bouquet of flowers for me. I'm not a roses girl - so he brought an assortment home, featuring 3 giant callalilly's. My wedding flower. Gorgeous.


Anonymous said...

COngrats on the BIG day.

Vone said...

Congrats on the anniversary and actually going to dinner with a 10 month old :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Happy three years :) The time flies, doesn't it? I can hardly believe Matt and I are coming up on the big 10...